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  • Toddler Parenting

  • The Ultimate Guide to Using Positive Discipline to Raise Children with High Self-Esteem, Including Tips for Sleep Training, Handing Tantrums, and Potty Training
  • De : Meryl Kaufman
  • Lu par : Ivan Busenius
  • Durée : 3 h et 11 min

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Toddler Parenting

De : Meryl Kaufman
Lu par : Ivan Busenius
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    Take your parenting game to the next level with positive discipline!

    Do you question your parenting skills whenever your toddler throws a tantrum?

    Does bedtime feel like an uphill battle?

    Do you want to raise a happy and confident child?

    If yes, then this is the perfect audiobook for you.

    Welcoming a baby home and entering parenthood is a major milestone in life. It is also a significant change. From now on, you are responsible not only for yourself but also for your child's well-being and growth.

    Regardless of how much you love your little one, parenting comes with its own set of challenges. As with everything else in life, preparation, patience, and effort will help you deal with any challenge that comes your way.

    Raising a child isn't always easy, and discipline is one area many parents struggle with.

    Positive parenting provides you with all the right tools you need to raise a happy, confident, and well-behaved child. Positive parenting is a simple concept that focuses on positive discipline. Remember, there are no bad children; it all boils down to behaviors.

    In this audiobook, you will learn about:

    • Understanding a toddler's development
    • Meaning and benefits of positive discipline
    • Commandments of positive discipline
    • Practical tips for training your toddler to potty and sleep through the night
    • Dealing with tantrums and misbehavior
    • Tips to encourage creativity
    • Tips for building a toddler's self-esteem
    • How to raise a self-confident child
    • Importance of positive daily habits, and much more!

    This audiobook will act as your guide and provide helpful insights about parenting a toddler using positive discipline. It will help you every step of the way and improve your parenting skills.

    So, what are you waiting for? The first step now by buying this audiobook today!

    ©2020 Meryl Kaufman (P)2020 Meryl Kaufman

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