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  • Infidelity Recovery

  • A Comprehensive Workbook for Healing, Rebuilding Trust, and Restoring Intimacy in Your Relationship (Interpersonal Skills)
  • De : Emma Lancaster
  • Lu par : Ivan Busenius
  • Durée : 3 h et 7 min

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Infidelity Recovery

De : Emma Lancaster
Lu par : Ivan Busenius
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    Redeem your relationship from infidelity’s clutches and launch it to greater heights than you’ve ever experienced or imagined.

    Has infidelity rocked your relationship?

    Are you desperately worried that it’s the beginning of the end for you and your partner?

    If you had a surefire path to reclaiming your lost love, would you take it?

    Whether you have been unfaithful to your partner or you’ve discovered betrayal by your lover, infidelity is a painful, tough, confusing situation to navigate in a relationship.

    With all the pain, anger, humiliation, and sadness you feel, it may seem tough to believe you can work your way back to the good times and achieve even better ones in your relationship. That’s what this audiobook will help you accomplish.

    To recover from infidelity once and for all, this guide covers:

    • The Many Faces of Infidelity - Unmask the many faces of infidelity
    • Emotions and Betrayal - Make sense of the emotions you feel after the fact of betrayal
    • Effects of Infidelity - Be more aware of the different ways infidelity affects you
    • Tools and Strategies - Use effective tools and strategies to explore and process your feelings
    • Coping with Negative Emotions - Discover healthier ways to cope with negative emotions
    • The Power of Forgiveness - Realize the truth about forgiveness and its transformative power
    • Rebuilding Trust - Rebuild trust with your partner with powerful tools

    So don’t waste another moment; click the “Add to Cart” button now and turn the wreckage of infidelity into the world’s eighth wonder!

    ©2024 Emma Lancaster (P)2024 Emma Lancaster

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