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  • Folk and Gypsy Magic

  • A Comprehensive Guide to Norse Paganism, Brujeria, Curanderismo, Jewish Magic, Kabbalah, Romani Witchcraft, and More (Pagan Beliefs)
  • De : Mari Silva
  • Lu par : Ivan Busenius
  • Durée : 7 h et 3 min

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Folk and Gypsy Magic

De : Mari Silva
Lu par : Ivan Busenius
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    Discover the Hidden Powers of Folk and Gypsy Magic: From Ancient Rituals to Modern Practices.

    Two manuscripts in one audiobook:

    • Folk Magic: The Ultimate Guide to Norse Paganism, Brujeria, Curanderismo, Scottish Witchcraft, Jewish Magic, Kabbalah, Druidry, and African American Spirituality
    • Gypsy Magic: The Ultimate Guide to Romani Witchcraft, Signs, Symbols, Talismans, Charms, Amulets, Tarot, Spells, and More

    In the first part of this audiobook, you will:

    • Learn about basic folk magic, and get clear concepts about the subject to dispel any misconceptions
    • Find out which magic practices suit you best
    • Understand the history of various magic cultures and how they originated
    • Discover countless traditional practices and rituals of different magic
    • Explore numerous spells, herbs, and rituals
    • Master creating your own spell book

    In the second part of this audiobook, you will:

    • Learn what gypsy witchcraft is and where the Romani originated from
    • Gain insight into the lore, belief systems, and codes they follow
    • Understand how they acquired these belief systems
    • Learn about their customs, omens, signs, and symbols
    • Understand why they give importance to these omens and how they differ from superstitions
    • Understand the importance of talismans and amulets and learn to make one for yourself
    • Discover what magical herbs and plants gypsy magic practitioners use
    • Learn about gypsy tarot cards and understand what the significance of each card is
    • Learn how to draw and read tarot cards
    • Learn about other forms of divination that the Romani people use

    Click on the “add to cart” button and dive into the exciting world of Folk and Gypsy Magic today!

    ©2024 Mari Silva (P)2024 Mari Silva

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