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  • Homesteading for Beginners: The Ultimate Self-Sufficiency Guide to Country Living, Raising Livestock and Natural Parasite Management

  • Self-Sustaining
  • De : Dion Rosser
  • Lu par : Ivan Busenius
  • Durée : 7 h et 21 min

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Homesteading for Beginners: The Ultimate Self-Sufficiency Guide to Country Living, Raising Livestock and Natural Parasite Management

De : Dion Rosser
Lu par : Ivan Busenius
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Les membres Amazon Prime bénéficient automatiquement de 2 livres audio offerts chez Audible.

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    Unlock the Secrets to Self-Sufficiency and Harmony with Nature!

    Two manuscripts in one audiobook:

    • Country Living: The Ultimate Guide to Homesteading, Beekeeping, Raising Livestock, and Achieving Self-Sufficiency in the Countryside
    • Natural Parasite Management for Livestock: Harnessing Nature’s Solutions for Internal Control and Healthy Herds

    Dive into a transformative journey with not just one, but TWO enlightening manuscripts in one powerful audiobook, designed for those yearning to embrace the serenity of country living, the art of homesteading, beekeeping, raising livestock, and mastering natural parasite management.

    Part One: Explore the fulfilling path to homesteading, a choice that connects you with the earth and guides you to live a life of self-reliance and sustainability. Discover the joy of:

    • Planning and budgeting for your dream homestead.
    • Embracing sustainable and off-grid living.
    • Building a welcoming home and thriving garden.
    • Harvesting and utilizing your bounty for nourishing meals.
    • The rewarding intricacies of beekeeping and food preservation.

    Part Two: Venture into the world of natural parasite management, where harmony between livestock health and nature's balance is paramount. Unveil:

    • The essence of livestock parasites and eco-friendly strategies to combat them.
    • The power of herbal remedies and organic supplements.
    • Innovations in pasture management and nutritional planning for robust herds.

    Embark on this life-changing adventure, transform your connection with the natural world, and realize the dream of a self-sufficient life.

    ©2024 Dion Rosser (P)2024 Dion Rosser

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