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  • The Ultimate Permaculture Design Guide

  • A Designers Gardening Toolkit for Creating Sustainable and Resilient Ecosystems
  • De : Frank Mitchell
  • Lu par : Evan Traasdahl
  • Durée : 5 h et 31 min

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The Ultimate Permaculture Design Guide

De : Frank Mitchell
Lu par : Evan Traasdahl
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    Use permaculture to design a picture-perfect pocket of nature that works just like a forest… in just 7 steps!

    Gardening is great, isn’t it? It is food for the soul, makes you happy, and is great for the environment.

    Except there is one big catch: your garden might not be as good for the environment as you think.

    According to a survey by the National Gardening Association, a vast majority of gardeners fall short of creating a truly eco-friendly garden or landscape.

    What does that mean?

    The amount of work that people invest in making their gardens functional and beautiful comes at a significant cost to the environment, with an excess of water consumption, a decrease in soil fertility, and a lot of biological waste.

    Furthermore, the methods you choose to grow your flowers and vegetables, how you deal with pests, and even how you dig down to plant can end up damaging nature.

    So is there a way for you to actually make your gardening truly green?

    Yes, there is, and you don’t have to look too far to find it.

    Nature is the solution to making your gardening eco-friendly, sustainable, and resilient.

    And this book helps you see it clearly using permaculture design principles…

    In this simplified guide to all things permaculture, you will discover:

    • A 7-step design process to quickstart your journey into creating a permaculture-based sustainable ecosystem in your backyard
    • The 11 key principles of permaculture – make the most of going truly green by adopting these principles in your gardening and living
    • Site planning like a pro – discover how to copy nature’s design and patterns to create a garden that keeps on giving (including DIY maps!)
    • How to act like a forest – design a garden that works like a forest and grow herbs, shrubs, grains, vines, trees, and more!
    • Smart and simple landscaping methods to create natural channels for irrigation – including how to dip your toes into rainwater harvesting using recyclable materials
    • 7 unbelievably easy ways to improve the quality of your soil
    • How to let nature do all the hard work by utilizing a diverse range of animals, birds, and beneficial insects
    • The zero-waste policy of permaculture and how you can leverage it for the benefit of your plants
    • 100% natural methods to prevent, monitor, and control pests

    And much more.

    Permaculture is more than just a way to design gardens; it is a way of life centered around building an ecosystem that thinks and behaves just like nature.

    Not only does it favor reusing and recycling, but it also limits potential waste, allowing you to design a slice of nature in your own backyard.

    In fact, permaculture makes nature your partner in going green… And all you need to do in order to get started is open your eyes and observe.

    Are you ready to design a self-sufficient and eco-friendly permaculture garden?

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2023 Flavio Bottini (P)2024 Flavio Bottini

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