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Couverture de Higher Education Compliance

Higher Education Compliance

De : Judith W. Spain
Lu par : Evan Traasdahl
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    President Kennedy did not tell NASA how to design the spaceship to put the United States astronauts on the moon. Instead, his words inspired NASA and the country to develop a plan—a plan to put a man on the moon in that decade. Implementing a compliance initiative is not easy. Neither was going to the moon, but it is a task that your institution and board can and should accept.

    Board members will learn:

    • How boards can inspire and support institutional efforts to develop a compliance initiative.
    • Basics of a compliance initiative to understand the necessity for this program at your institution.

    Understanding and addressing an institution’s compliance profile is critical in today’s higher education environment.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2023 Judith W. Spain (P)2023 Judith W. Spain


    “ excellent tool for both presidents and boards who want a road map to tackle compliance in higher education and is an excellent addition to her first book, Higher Education Compliance: Blueprint for Success, written for institutional personnel”. (Dr. Susanna Baxter, president, LaGrange College)

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