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  • The Ultimate Raised Bed Gardening Guide for Beginners

  • The Complete Step by Step Handbook to Harvesting, Preserving, and Growing an Organic Garden (Frank Mitchell Sustainable Living Series)
  • De : Frank Mitchell
  • Lu par : Ben Herold
  • Durée : 4 h et 2 min

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The Ultimate Raised Bed Gardening Guide for Beginners

De : Frank Mitchell
Lu par : Ben Herold
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    Raised bed gardening might look like a challenge, but really, it's a secret pathway to a lifelong love of gardening and a table brimming with fresh produce for years to come.

    If you’ve ever walked past the organic produce in the vegetable aisle wishing you could afford to take your grocery cart to the next level....

    If you’ve ever dreamed about growing food for your
    family but didn’t know where to start....

    If you long to grow delicious things to eat but don’t think you have the space to do it....

    Then this is the book for you.

    Raised bed gardening is the answer to every one of these problems. No matter how small a space you’re dealing with, you can design a garden that produces everything you love to eat, and you can grow it organically and sustainably. Raised beds give you the ultimate control over your growing environment—and with you in charge of their design, they’ll fit whatever space you need them to.

    “But what if I have no previous experience?”, you might be thinking. Well, neither did Cameron Diaz before she landed her first acting job, and look at her now! If you have the will to succeed, you will succeed, and all the guidance you need to design, plant, and maintain a thriving, organic raised-bed garden is right here.

    Whether you’re a complete beginner or you’re an experienced gardener ready to master a new skill, you’ll find everything you need in this comprehensive guide to raised bed gardening.

    Inside, you’ll discover:

    • The fundamentals of raised beds—everything from size to the ideal material±so you can be confident in your decisions right from the start
    • Why there’s more to a raised bed than you think—and how you can choose the right one for your needs
    • The key issues you need to factor in before you come up with the plan for your garden
    • The art of keeping your beds pest and weed-free—and why you’ll want to do this organically
    • A complete guide to the enticing selection of fruits and vegetables you can grow with raised beds (with top tips for making sure they thrive)
    • 10 simple steps to creating a successful raised bed from scratch
    • The reasons raised bed gardens have the upper hand over traditional plots (plus the drawbacks to be aware of so you can handle them before they become a problem)
    • Costly mistakes made by many beginner gardeners so you can be sure you’ll avoid them
    • Every myth you’ve heard about raised bed gardening, explored...and squashed!
    • The #1 thing you must do before you set foot in a gardening store
    • How to ensure your garden is a success from Day 1 and keep it thriving long after
    • And much more.

    You don’t need to be an experienced gardener to produce your own food. It all starts with a single step, and you’re about to take it right now. With the right guidance by your side, you can design a thriving vegetable garden unique to your own needs, and create a raised bed growing environment your whole neighborhood will envy. Ready to become the master of a beautiful and productive garden?

    Then scroll up, and click "Add to Cart" right now!"

    ©2023 Frank Mitchell (P)2024 Frank Mitchell

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