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  • Raising Chickens for Beginners

  • A Practical Made Easy Handbook to Raising a Healthy Backyard Flock
  • De : Frank Mitchell
  • Lu par : Steve Knupp
  • Durée : 4 h et 15 min

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Raising Chickens for Beginners

De : Frank Mitchell
Lu par : Steve Knupp
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    Dive into the fascinating world of poultry husbandry with this comprehensive and engaging guide to raising chickens. Whether you're a novice enthusiast or a seasoned agrarian, this book offers a wealth of knowledge that will empower you to successfully nurture and care for your flock.

    Inside, you'll discover:

    Find the ideal breed

    • Select the right breed for your needs, whether you want prolific egg layers, meat production, or charming backyard companions.
    • In-depth insights into various breeds, understanding their unique traits, personalities, and specific requirements.

    Create the ideal living environment

    • Coop designs prioritize comfort and safety.
    • Tips on proper ventilation and bedding for a nurturing home that promotes your chickens' well-being.

    Ensure their health and nutrition

    • Balanced feeding regimens tailored to different life stages.
    • Secrets of maintaining optimal health through preventive measures and quick interventions.
    • Practical advice on recognizing common illnesses and parasites.

    Understand chicken behavior and communication

    • Interpret their vocalizations and observe their social dynamics.
    • Establish a rapport that goes beyond the daily routine.

    From the very first listen, embark on a journey that takes you through the entire process of chicken raising. Discover the joys and rewards of selecting the right breed for your needs, whether you're interested in prolific egg layers, meat production, or simply charming backyard companions. With in-depth insights into various breeds, you'll gain an understanding of their unique traits, personalities, and specific requirements.

    As you listen, you'll find yourself immersed in the art of creating the ideal living environment for your chickens. From coop designs that prioritize comfort and safety to tips on proper ventilation and bedding, you'll learn how to provide a nurturing home that promotes both the physical and mental well-being of your feathered friends.

    But that's not all, this book is also your trusted advisor on the essentials of nutrition and healthcare. Explore balanced feeding regimens tailored to different life stages, and unlock the secrets of maintaining optimal health through preventive measures and quick interventions. With practical advice on recognizing common illnesses and parasites, you'll be equipped to keep your flock vibrant and thriving.

    Gain a deeper understanding of chicken behavior and communication, and discover how to establish a rapport that goes beyond the daily routine. Whether you're learning to interpret their vocalizations or observing their social dynamics, you'll find yourself captivated by the intricate world of these remarkable creatures.

    Embark on this journey and be captivated by the intricate world of these remarkable creatures. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a beginner, "The Raising Chickens for Beginners - A Practical Made Easy Handbook to Raising a Healthy Backyard Flock" by Frank Mitchell is your go-to resource for all things poultry.

    ©2023 Frank Mitchell (P)2023 Frank Mitchell

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