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  • The Midpoint Plan

  • Taking charge of your health, habits and happiness to thrive in midlife and beyond
  • De : Gabby Logan
  • Lu par : Gabby Logan
  • Durée : 6 h et 8 min

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Couverture de The Midpoint Plan

The Midpoint Plan

De : Gabby Logan
Lu par : Gabby Logan
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    Inspired by the hit podcast, The Mid-Point Plan is your midlife survival kit.

    Packed to the brim with advice and life lessons from experts in their field (Dr Louise Newson, Prof Greg Whyte amongst others) and successful people navigating this time of life (Claudia Winkleman, Jo Whiley, Lee Mack, Michael Johnson, Caitlin Moran, Phil Neville and so many more) the book draws on their wise words to help you to navigate the biggest challenges that midlife can throw at you.

    It will help you to:
    - keep yourself fit and healthy into older age
    - keep your brain firing on all cylinders
    - improve your sleep
    - deal with anxiety
    - thrive in your career
    - navigate changing relationships (whether that's empty nests or aging parents)
    - cope with illness and loss
    - be a healthier, more productive, creative and happy older person

    With a Midpoint Action Plan (MAP) at the end of each chapter, it contains all the tips and tricks, habits and practices you need for a positive mindset, a healthy body and a happy life. It's a must-have manual for all mid-life men and women.

    You can read it all the way through or you can keep it by the bed, on the shelf in the kitchen or in the loo to dip into when you need help with something in particular. However you read it, it will be there to offer comfort, motivation and maybe a shared experience to help you through the tougher days.
    ©2024 Gabby Logan (P)2024 Hachette Audio UK

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