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Couverture de The First Half

The First Half

De : Gabby Logan
Lu par : Gabby Logan
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    A fascinating, inspiring and funny memoir from much-loved broadcaster Gabby Logan

    When I sat down to write this book, I was really not keen on the idea of writing a biography that charted my life in a regular, linear fashion. Largely because I thought that nobody would be interested in how well I did in my maths GCSE ( C ) or what my first dog was called (Sadie). But looking back over my life I realise we are all a product of the things that happen to us along the way, even the most fleeting of conversations with a stranger, and by gathering my turning points and life-changing moments together, I have found a way of telling the story of my life - a story of family, love, loss, determination, devastating lows and the highest of highs.

    Whether it's presenting the Olympics, dancing on Strictly or chatting to guests on her hugely popular podcast, Gabby Logan has been a much-loved broadcaster and a fixture in our lives for over 25 years.

    In this, her first ever book, Gabby takes us through the story of her life through the turning points and important events that have led her to where she is today. Just how did the little girl who lay in bed pondering the big questions like Why do I matter? Why was I born? end up as a woman who dropped her physics GCSE at the first chance and now talks on telly for a living?

    Gabby talks candidly about the highs, lows, loves and losses she's experienced. Whether it's the heart-breaking early death of her brother, her father's alcoholism, navigating sexism at work or the time she almost became the Rose of Tralee by accident, The First Half is an entertaining, absorbing, inspirational memoir which will make you laugh and cry.

    ©2022 Gabby Logan (P)2022 Hachette Audio UK


    "A brilliant book. Read immediately." (Claudia Winkleman)

    "A fascinating, inspiring and funny memoir from much-loved presenter." (Gabby Logan)

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