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Couverture de Gabby Logan

Gabby Logan

De : Holly Newson
Lu par : Gabby Logan
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    Joining us at Audible Studios is award-winning sports broadcaster and radio presenter, Gabby Logan.

    Known for hosting live TV coverage of international events such as the Six Nations rugby, the World Cup and the Olympic Games, Logan is one of Britain's best loved broadcasters. Starting out on Sky Sports, then working for BBC and ITV, as well as hosting shows on BBC Radio, Logan's career has been illustrious. Being a woman in the arena of sports broadcasting hasn't always been an easy ride, but Logan has not let it hold her back, and has changed the face of women in sport, receiving an MBE for her Services to Sports Broadcasting and the Promotion of Women in Sport.

    We spoke to Gabby Logan about her memoir, The First Half, asking how she came to be in broadcasting, how she processed her brother’s death, and what Colin Jackson teases her about.

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