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  • Potty Training

  • An Essential Step-by-Step Guide to Having Your Toddler Go Diaper Free Fast, Including Special Methods for Boys and Girls
  • De : Meryl Kaufman
  • Lu par : Ivan Busenius
  • Durée : 3 h et 1 min

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Potty Training

De : Meryl Kaufman
Lu par : Ivan Busenius
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    If you want to save money and stop changing dirty diapers, then pay attention...

    Do you want to potty-train your child but don't know where to start?

    Does the abundance of quick-fix online resources confuse you?

    Are you tired of dirty diapers and cranky toddlers?

    Do you want your baby to become independent and use the potty on their own?

    Does this sound like a deal too good to be true?

    Well, look no further because this audiobook covers it all, including:

    • The right time to start your child’s potty-training
    • Debunking potty-training myths and misconceptions
    • How to ditch diapers without the drama
    • The psychology behind potty-training
    • How to mentally prepare yourself and your toddler for potty-training
    • How to use the potty for the first time
    • Common potty-training problems
    • Nighttime potty training
    • Tips and trick on potty-training boys vs. girls
    • How to form potty-training habits
    • And last, transitioning from the potty to an adult toilet

    This audiobook is a thoroughly researched, fact-checked, and concise resource for you, whether you're a first-time parent looking to learn the ropes or a veteran parent trying to revise their old ways.

    With this guide, you’ll no longer have to dread potty-training your child.

    Buy the audiobook today to make your life and your kid’s life happier and easier!

    ©2020 Meryl Kaufman (P)2020 Meryl Kaufman

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