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Couverture de Mystic Journeys

Mystic Journeys

De : CC Solomon
Lu par : Alyse Gibbs
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    Being stuck in a dangerous place with my worst enemy just might kill me. My plans for revenge due to the death of someone close keeps getting derailed as I navigate my estranged relationship with my werejackal boyfriend and defend a friend arrested for murder. And if that wasn't enough, I'm forced to compete in the ultimate magic competition against my new enemy, Phillip Leal. The loser will have to give up his or her freedom to the winner, and being that Phillip is a cruel and ruthless egomaniac, I can’t afford to lose.

    To make matters worse, Phillip and I are magically banished from home with no ability to get back. In order to survive, we must fight off ghosts, dark faeries, and other paranormal beings who were all sent to kill us. Can I trust Phillip long enough to help get us home, or will he just end up getting us killed?   

    Fans of Sabrina and the manga Bleach will enjoy the next installment in The Paranormal World series, filled with romance, epic battles, and more! 

    Author's note: The first four books and two novellas of this new adult series are part of The Soulmate Saga. There will be some cliff-hangers.

    ©2019 CC Solomon (P)2021 CC Solomon

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