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Couverture de Mystic Souls

Mystic Souls

De : C.C. Solomon
Lu par : Alyse Gibbs
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    The Soulmate Saga comes to its stunning conclusion. Who will die, and who will live?

    We thought we’d prepared for the fight. We were wrong. Everything I was told about the first soul mates could never prepare me for their actual arrival. More powerful than we could prepare for, the first soul mates control the minds of our closest allies, leaving The Six and my soul mate without any option but to surrender to their murderous ways.

    When suicides and disappearances go on the rise in our community, I know the first soul mates are behind it, and when I discover the reason, it’s more nightmarish than I could have imagined. With dwindling support, we only have a few remaining allies to start a resistance and fight back. However, our infighting and inner turmoil threaten to derail us. Will we find the strength to defeat the first soulmates and their cohorts? And what sacrifices will we have to make to win?

    Fans of The Umbrella Academy and The Avengers will like this latest installment in the urban fantasy/post-apocalyptic series.

    ©2021 C.C. Solomon (P)2022 C.C. Solomon

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