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Couverture de The Vampire and the Case of the Baleful Banshee

The Vampire and the Case of the Baleful Banshee

De : Heather G. Harris, Jilleen Dolbeare
Lu par : Alyse Gibbs
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    I thought I was finally getting the hang of being a paranormal policewoman, but when one of the gemstones powering the barrier around the town is stolen, I’m as terrified as the average Joe. Of course, there’s nothing average about the Joes in this town. It’s chock full of mythical creatures, and some of them think the barrier is a waste of time.

    Well, I’ve seen the cryptid monster beyond and I know we’re doomed if the magical palisade ever fails. Calling what would follow a massacre would be a gross understatement. The race is on. I need to find the gemstone before the weakened barrier fails forever and the fiend devours us all. No pressure then.

    It’s a simple theft… how hard can it be to solve? Answer: Very hard. Especially when theft turns into murder.

    There’s also the little outstanding matter of my date with the vampire leader, Connor, not to mention that my best friend seems to be falling apart at the seams. And if all of that isn’t enough to be cracking on with, I have a visitor due imminently. My mother.

    I’d rather face the monster.

    Dive into this fast-paced urban fantasy series if you love humour, heart, found family and a slow-burn romance.

    Don't miss the other Portlock Paranormal adventures:
    The Vampire and the Case of her Dastardly Death - prequel
    The Vampire and the Case of the Wayward Werewolf - Book 1
    The Vampire and the Case of the Secretive Siren - Book 2
    The Vampire and the Case of the Baleful Banshee - Book 3
    The Vampire and the Case of the Cursed Canine - Book 4

    ©2024 Heather G. Harris, Jilleen Dolbeare (P)2024 Heather G. Harris, Jilleen Dolbeare

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