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  • Mystic Bonds: Second Edition

  • Paranormal World, Book One
  • De : CC Solomon
  • Lu par : Alyse Gibbs
  • Durée : 9 h et 7 min

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Mystic Bonds: Second Edition

De : CC Solomon
Lu par : Alyse Gibbs
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    From USA Today best-selling author, CC Solomon, comes the second edition of this urban fantasy with revisions and new scenes. Magic was my saving grace, but my power is my damnation.

    My transition into a supernatural creature was the only reason I survived the apocalypse. I thought that was the worst I’d ever have to endure, but I was definitely wrong. 

    With half the human population wiped out and a majority of the survivors developing a power of their own, the non-gifted humans aren’t happy with their station in life. 

    My brother and I have to go on the run from humans who want to steal our magical blood for a power-inducing serum. Our only hope for survival, and the continued existence of the friends we left behind, is to find a hidden paranormal city and the literal man of my dreams.

    A handsome and alluring stranger plagues my dreams by night but by day? A not-so friendly - but oh-so sexy-werejackal claims my attention. We journey to the promised land together, but once we find it? It’s definitely not what we expected and we have to face incredible peril that may prevent me from saving my friends.

    Can I really sacrifice my freedom to save those I care about?

    If you like post-apocalyptic, urban fantasy novels with an array of supernatural beings and a side of romance and adventure then you’ll enjoy Mystic Bonds, Book One of the Paranormal World series.

    Pick up Mystic Bonds today to start the adventure!

    Author's note: The first four books and two novellas of this New Adult series are part of The Soulmate Saga. There will be some cliffhangers.

    ©2019, 2020 CC Solomon (P)2021 CC Solomon

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