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  • How to Become More Healthy

  • Your Path to a Healthier You! Hidden Treasures of Health, Energy, and Long Life
  • De : Fabian Wilsher
  • Lu par : Will Norris
  • Durée : 2 h et 41 min

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How to Become More Healthy

De : Fabian Wilsher
Lu par : Will Norris
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    Well-being is an essential aspect of our healthier and happier life. Having a well-adopted and strong understanding of well-being can encourage us to overcome problems and aid us in achieving our goals. If you want to become healthier, you should read this book. It is an all-inclusive guide that provides practical and sustainable strategies to help you achieve better health.

    In How to Become More Healthy, you will discover:

    Practical and sustainable strategies that can help you achieve better health. These strategies are based on scientific research and expert advice and are designed to be easy to implement in your daily life. You will learn how to make small changes that can have a big impact on your health and how to create habits that will last a lifetime.

    The book explores the habits of the world's healthiest populations, such as the Okinawans in Japan and the Sardinians in Italy. You will learn about their diets, lifestyles, and daily habits and how to incorporate them into your own life to improve your health.

    The power of a positive mindset in achieving better health. The book provides an overview of nutrition science, including the role of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) in the body.

    The book explores the art of habit formation, including how to create healthy habits that stick. You will learn about the habit loop (cue, routine, reward), how to identify your triggers and cues, and how to create a plan for habit formation.

    Order your copy of “How to Become More Healthy’’ now, and start a journey toward a healthier life.

    Whether you want to lose weight, improve your mental and emotional well-being, or feel better in your body, this book is the perfect guide to help you achieve your goals.

    ©2023 Fabian Wilsher (P)2023 Fabian Wilsher

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