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  • Black American History

  • A Comprehensive Guide to 400 Years of African American History, Systemic Challenges, and Group Survival
  • De : DC Cannon
  • Lu par : Will Norris
  • Durée : 5 h et 17 min

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Black American History

De : DC Cannon
Lu par : Will Norris
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    Black American History explores the remarkable and dangerous journey of African Americans in their fight for survival. No other group on Earth has suffered such atrocities as assassinations, drug attacks, chemical and biological attacks, hundreds of years of slavery, and much more. This masterpiece traces the history of Black Americans from the earliest days to the present, with thorough research and vivid details. 

    Listeners will be amazed by the stories of these experiences, how they shape Black people, and what the future holds for them. Will they overcome one of the worst ordeals any group of people has ever endured? The only way to find out is to read Black American History today.

    ©2023 DC Cannon (P)2024 DC Cannon
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Histoire

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