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Couverture de Healing Anxiety and Depression

Healing Anxiety and Depression

De : Jane Fendelman
Lu par : Jane Fendelman
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    Healing Anxiety and Depression is a soothing, empowering recording written and recorded by counselor Jane E Fendelman MC, that will help you Have your Feelings, instead of Them Having You.

    "Difficult emotions, such as Anxiety and Depression, are meant to awaken you to your authentic self," says Jane, "They are Teacher Emotions."

    Some people try to flee from anxiety and depression. They get busy with work, dating, house cleaning, gossiping, "fixing" or being hyper-focused on their kids, drugs, alcohol, sex etc.

    Some people become paralyzed in difficult emotions and feel stuck in a loop. They feel as if they are at the mercy of anxiety or depression suddenly overwhelming them. They can develop "collapsing syndrome," where one thing goes wrong, or one new variable is introduced, and they fall apart.

    Jane will help you get present with these difficult emotions, and as she says, "Hold space for them so they can turn sweet and transform you."

    If you avoid them, they will follow you. If you do not get fully present with them, they'll get stuck in you until they are acknowledged, and show you what they're here to "say."

    The "Healing Anxiety and Depression" recording, is a gentle, conscious narration that will bring you peace, relief and balance.

    It will lead you closer to your True Self.

    Jane takes you gently through this profound and winding path on your inner journey.

    Her silky voice will help you find calm amid the chaos, and lighten your heart. Use this tool for transformation and self-discovery.

    With Love,


    ©2007 Jane Fendelman (P)2007 Jane Fendelman

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