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Couverture de Women's Lib Sux

Women's Lib Sux

De : Jane Fendelman
Lu par : Jane Fendelman
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    A life-changing recording on how the Feminine Movement will save our world.

    Jane says "Women's Lib Sux" tongue in cheek, but truly, instead of learning to use the power of the feminine, women's liberation taught us to use the masculine power. When both the man and the woman are in their masculinity, the result is power struggles and neutralization of the sexual energy and the power of both partners. Learn to use your natural power center.

    Women are exhausted and angry and don't even realize how they are perpetuating the pattern of misery. Feeling cherished and honored is healing to the feminine...being respected and admired is healing to the masculine. You must learn to make this transformation or your beloved relationships will always be painful and difficult to sustain. It is easier, and the gifts are more amazing than you think. This recording delivers!

    Special thanks to Stu Resnick for his enchanting flute on "The Snake Prince" track.

    Chapter 1 (13:58) Men are not the enemy: aftershocks of Women’s Lib

    Chapter 2 (3:21) Power of the blood

    Chapter 3 (20:09) Man as king, not bully—Woman as soft, not weak

    Chapter 4 (6:58) The Snake Prince

    Chapter 5 (5:05) Rites of passage to maturity

    ©2006 Jane Fendelman (P)2006 Jane Fendelman

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