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Couverture de Raising Humane Beings

Raising Humane Beings

De : Jane Fendelman
Lu par : Jane Fendelman
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    Raising Humane Beings delivers life-changing, inspirational parenting solutions in a powerfully dynamic and lighthearted way. Cure ADD, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder and other challenges easily without drugs. "These 'disorders', they are an adaptive response to a society that's stuck on the hamster wheel," says Fendelman. Have happy, kind, self-motivated children. Ask for what you want without nagging, feel empowered and have more love and joy in all your relationships."

    Raising Humane Beings is the finest book on raising children ever written. Rarely in life does a listener find a single book that sufficiently covers an entire subject. After reviewing Jane's book I found myself thinking differently, for such a book will shift your thinking, and you, like me, will never be the same. I am pleased to endorse both her and her masterful book.

    The goal she undertook was considerable, for no single book has thoroughly covered the children's story until now. There are volumes of academic works on the shelf, and collections of antidotes and theories, but Jane found a way to bring the scholarly and the practical together into a single universal language. She is both counselor and scholar, so her ideas work well in the laboratory, school, and home, and what she writes, she first practices with her own clients. Her skills and style are of the highest academic order; yet she talks that common language, and this as a reference tool, affords parents and teachers the techniques for raising children that were unavailable a decade ago. Now they are here at last, and a new day is dawning for our children...

    Foreword by George Addair, PhD Founder of the Omega Vector Self-Awareness Seminar

    ©2000 Jane Fendelman (P)2000 Jane Fendelman

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