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Couverture de End Histamine Intolerance

End Histamine Intolerance

De : Alex Lonnquist
Lu par : Matthew Longmire
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    Histamine is a molecule that has a key role in your immune system, digestion, nervous system, and more. But what happens if your body cannot clear histamines and they build up? This phenomenon is known as "histamine intolerance".

    We have seen a substantial increase in cases of histamine intolerance over the past decade. More and more people are reporting they have histamine intolerance, and this is no random coincidence. This recent uptick is because modern life is inherently stressful and damaging to health in so many ways. As a whole, our society is completely unaware of how we are making ourselves sick. Only now that we are becoming sick are we beginning to pay attention and ask questions.

    Histamine intolerance is a confusing and frustrating condition. But as you will learn in this audiobook, there are indeed explanations for any and all of the symptoms caused by histamine intolerance.

    In this book you will learn:

    • A breakdown of the causes of histamine intolerance and related illnesses (MCAS, MCAD)
    • Thorough and concise explanation of the key physiology involved
    • Specific foods to promote and avoid in your diet
    • Lifestyle exercises to decrease stress and empty your "histamine bucket"
    • And more!

    If you are ready to reverse histamine intolerance and get your life back, scroll up and click "Buy Now".

    ©2022 Alex Lonnquist (P)2022 Alex Lonnquist

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