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De : Romel Duane Moore Sr.
Lu par : Matthew Longmire
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    Avatar means the descent of a deity to Earth in an incarnate form or some manifest shape; the incarnation of god. The origin of the word avatar is from Sanskrit: avatar, a passing down, equivalent to "ava" (down) and "tara" (a passing over). 

    The only true avatar man has ever known is Jesus Christ. Jesus is one hundred percent God and one hundred percent man, the only God-man. After the fall of man, man was inevitably stuck in sin and enslaved to sin. We are not able to save ourselves from sin and death; only God can save us.

    If God had not chosen to avatar, that is “cross over" or "descend”, mankind would have been forever doomed. The story of the birth, life, and sacrifice of Jesus is the only true story of the avatar. 

    As I study other religions of the world, I find one very detrimental element missing: redemption. There is much wisdom, knowledge, and understanding in Buddhism, Islam, Shintoism, etc., but there is no answer to sin and death. Sin and death has plagued mankind since the beginning. Judaism and Christianity alone deal with the story of sin and God’s ultimate answer to it found in our avatar Jesus Christ.

    ©2012 Romel Duane Moore, Sr. (P)2020 Romel Duane Moore, Sr.

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