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  • Gut Health Hacks

  • How to Heal Your Gut & Reverse Leaky Gut Syndrome: Gut Health Nutrition Guide: Gut Health Diet, Improve Digestion & Digestive Wellness & Heal Gut with Food
  • De : Alex Lonnquist
  • Lu par : Matthew Longmire
  • Durée : 36 min

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Gut Health Hacks

De : Alex Lonnquist
Lu par : Matthew Longmire
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    Do you have leaky gut syndrome or are having trouble with digestion? Do you struggle with pain, inflammation, or low energy? Do you feel depressed, anxious, stressed, or that something is not right in your body? If you have answered yes to one or all of these questions, this is the perfect book for you.

    This book will provide tips on how to heal your gut, lower inflammation in your body, and become the healthiest version of yourself.

    In this book you will learn:

    • Which foods you will need to eliminate to allow your body to heal itself
    • Which foods are the most healing and provide the most nutrition for your body
    • How to lower your stress load and begin to live a life with more joy and happiness

    If you are ready to heal leaky gut and change your life for the better, scroll up and click "Buy Now".

    ©2022 Alex Lonnquist (P)2022 Alex Lonnquist
    • Version intégrale Livre audio

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