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  • Chinese: Learn Chinese Fast!

  • 48 Hours to Learning Chinese (But Not Mastering It)
  • De : Alex Maxwell
  • Lu par : Sophia Yu
  • Durée : 2 h et 47 min

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Chinese: Learn Chinese Fast!

De : Alex Maxwell
Lu par : Sophia Yu
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    Learn Chinese Fast will teach you enough to get around with the Chinese language. Using this guide you can master the basics in a short amount of time and be prepared for many of the situations that you will encounter on your trip. Whether you are going to China for business or pleasure, this audiobook can help you get your bearings.

    In this audiobook you will learn:

  • How to greet people and introduce yourself
  • How to place an order at a restaurant
  • How to ask for and give directions
  • How to talk about your future plans
  • How to talk about what you did on vacation
  • How to have a polite conversation with your future Chinese-speaking friends
  • Useful vocabulary for everyday situations like shopping, going to the office, calling for information, visiting the tourist sites, and so on
  • The grammar essentials to help you organize your thoughts in Chinese
  • With these skills and the many others you will learn in this audiobook, you will be able to navigate the streets, meet people, and impress your friends and coworkers with your Chinese language skills! So what are you waiting for? Start learning Chinese today!

    What you'll know from Learn Chinese Fast:

  • The basics
  • Vocabulary foundations
  • Introduce yourself
  • Tell us about yourself
  • In your free time
  • Making small talk
  • Arrivals and departures
  • On the street
  • In the restaurant
  • ©2014 Alex Maxwell (P)2015 Alex Maxwell

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