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  • 76 Productive Habits

  • How to Accomplish More, Overcome Procrastination, and Supercharge your Productivity
  • De : Edith Henderson
  • Lu par : Sophia Yu
  • Durée : 2 h et 5 min

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76 Productive Habits

De : Edith Henderson
Lu par : Sophia Yu
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    Looking to put an end to procrastination and be more productive?

    It was 3 pm, on a Sunday and I was looking at a hungry family, a sick dog, a pile of laundry, and an inbox with 102 emails that needed to be read before Monday, 8 am. I was nauseous. No matter how hard I tried, week after week, I found myself in the same place. My mind and my life were littered with chores and unfinished projects. I wasn't being productive. I was overwhelmed and discouraged. It seemed there just weren't enough hours in the day. I always teetered on the brink of success, but had failed to hit the mark. Sound familiar? Lucky for you, I found the secret in 76 productive habits. These habits are the difference between that constant carousel of unproductive procrastination and a successful and fulfilling life. These habits will supercharge your productivity so that you accomplish more. They changed my life for the better and I want to share them with you.

    Explore habits that will supercharge your productivity and set you on a path to accomplishing your goals.

    ©2015 Edtih Henderson (P)2015 Little Rock Publishing

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