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  • French

  • Learn French Fast! 48 Hours to Learning French
  • De : Alex Maxwell
  • Lu par : Adam Zens
  • Durée : 2 h et 41 min

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De : Alex Maxwell
Lu par : Adam Zens
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    They say learning a new language can be hard. Whoever said that never had this audiobook!

    Are you in a hurry to learn French? Great! You came to the right place. This audiobook is written from the standpoint of rapid language acquisition. There is a science behind learning the French language and within this audiobook holds the master key to rapid language learning. Whether you are in Paris, Montreal, or anywhere French is spoken, this audiobook can be your best friend and have you speaking, reading, and writing the language faster than you ever thought possible!

    Traveling around the world has forced me to learn new languages quickly. If you are reading this right now, then it probably means that you need to learn French in a hurry. The good news is I have been in your shoes and will share the EXACT process I follow when it comes to rapid language acquisition. I recorded this audiobook for a couple of reasons: 1. To provide people a quick and actionable plan to quickly learn French. 2. To allow those of us who may be traveling to French-speaking countries or working in French-speaking environments a 48 hour crash course to catch you up to speed.

    Can You Really Learn a Language in 48 Hours?

    The short answer is YES! I have done this with over a dozen languages and the exact process I use to acquire new languages in rapid fashion is laid out step-by-step inside this audiobook. To be sure, this audiobook is exactly what you need to train your brain the basics of learning the French language.

    What You'll Learn from Learn French Fast

    • Introduction
    • Pronunciation
    • Grammar
    • Verb tenses
    • Numbers
    • Phrases
    • In case of emergency
    • Recommended French literature
    • Five things and ideas every French speaker must be familiar with
    • Five people that every French speaker must know
    ©2014 Alex Maxwell (P)2015 Alex Maxwell

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