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  • Declutter: How to Organize Your Life, Maximize Your Productivity, and Enjoy a Clutter-Free Life

  • De : Jennifer S. Edwards
  • Lu par : Sophia Yu
  • Durée : 33 min

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Declutter: How to Organize Your Life, Maximize Your Productivity, and Enjoy a Clutter-Free Life

De : Jennifer S. Edwards
Lu par : Sophia Yu
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    Have you ever wondered how to keep your house from being so cluttered that you cannot do anything without being frustrated over the mess? Maybe you've come searching for some advice on how to fix your house and save it from getting out of hand. Lives can get far too stressful to be able to do everything we want to, and a lot of the time there just aren't enough hours in the day to clean as well as we might like.

    In this book, the listeners will be able to find a multitude of tips and tricks on how to tackle the mess in their homes, keep their homes a clean and organized place, and prevent their homes from getting so out of hand that they can't avoid the dreaded thought of a messy home. If you've got worries about a messy home, don't worry, because you aren't alone in the fact that you aren't able to keep yourself from procrastinating when it comes to cleaning up. Your untidy mess can be organized no matter how big or small it may be, as long as you have the right mindset.

    In this book, you will find various tips on closet organization, keeping your collectibles organized, general cleaning tips, and how to make sure your loving home stays presentable to not only yourself but the public as well. You should be able to live in a home that you're proud to show off, not one that you want to keep hidden from all your friends and family.

    This book consists of concise chapters

    • Introduction
    • For an already cluttered home
    • General organizational tools
    • Organizing your collectables
    • Organizing your closet
    • Quick tips for keeping your home clutter-free
    ©2015 Jennifer S. Edwards (P)2015 Little Rock Publishing

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