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  • Saving Alexander

  • House of Otter, Book 3
  • De : Leo Sparx
  • Lu par : Ken Allen
  • Durée : 2 h et 23 min

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Saving Alexander

De : Leo Sparx
Lu par : Ken Allen
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    For listeners who enjoy a dark and mysterious plot with their sexy books, comes the final installment of this kinky m/m (m/m/m & m/m/m/m/m) series inspired by the Edgar Allan Poe story, “The Fall of the House of Usher.”

    In the conclusion of this kinky queer dark erotic romance, Alexander embraces a more dominant but equally submissive role within the House of Otter. Taking charge of even more boys as they join the strict order of the manor, Alexander complies with the demands of the master of the mansion as he continues to struggle with his deep sexual desires.

    Deception from more than one man, and a passionate need for all of them, cloud his judgement as expectations and punishments swell. Friends become lovers as well as enemies while the whispers within the house grow louder, beckoning Alexander to fulfill a looming destiny he does not yet understand.

    Color-coordinated jockstraps and harnesses, hairy chests in fetish gear, Daddy and boy dynamics, gay trans men, power exchange, mm, mmm, orgies, group play, nipple play, toys, sounding rods, and so much more lead up to one ultimate decision for Alexander.

    With time running out, he must choose between his love for his friends, his keeper, and himself as he decides if the sexual lust he’s being offered tastes best paired with love or money.

    It’s Edgar Allan Poe but with a queer kinky twist!

    **This MM BDSM Paranormal Dark Erotic Romance takes consent seriously. No otter boys were harmed (unless they wanted to be) in the writing of this book.**

    ©2021 Leo Sparx (P)2022 Leo Sparx

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