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Couverture de Arenas & Monsters

Arenas & Monsters

De : Dominic N. Ashen
Lu par : Ken Allen
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    David might have forgiven him, but can he forgive himself?

    Sacrificial cults, giant man-eating serpents, even ghosts - Khazak has seen it all lately. But with his avakesh David by his side, he knows they can weather any storm that blows their way. After unexpectedly doubling the size of their group and a brief detour to the ruins of the ancient elvish city of Karthani, things are finally back on track. As long as they keep following the road north, they’ll reach their destination in no time. The group just has to keep the stops they make and the trouble they cause to a minimum. Easy, right?

    David's been doing great. He’s got Khazak, his team, and he's even been able to reconnect with his brother, Michael. Now all he needs is for things to stay on track, and once they reach Maname, they’ll hopefully be able to figure out the strange things that have been happening since that fateful night in the Temple of Zeus. But of course, nothing is that easy, and when danger rears its ugly head, it not only puts his relationship with Khazak at risk, but threatens to reveal the truth of how they really met to everyone.

    This book is filled with laughs, adventure, would-be royalty, werewolves, and ridiculous costumes! Go on a journey with Khazak, David, and their friends as they continue their treacherous quest and explore more of the dangerous and magical world around them. If you like to listen to gay/male-on-male romances with and Dom/sub elements, kinky relationships, and BDSM, give this book a try!

    ©2023 Dominic N Ashen (P)2023 Dominic N Ashen

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