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Couverture de Taming Alexander

Taming Alexander

De : Leo Sparx
Lu par : Ken B Erotic
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    For those who enjoy a dark and mysterious plot with their sexy books, comes the second installment of this kinky m/m (and m/m/m) series inspired by the Edgar Allan Poe story, “The Fall of the House of Usher.”

    As this classic literature derived queer erotic romance continues, a new boy dwells within the House of Otter with Alexander. Adjusting to a life of extravagance and sexual discipline continues to thrill and trouble the young otter as fresh fantasies and furry men present themselves to satisfy his growing appetite for passionate submission.

    Battling the expected trades Alexander must make for his recently satiated need of financial security, he learns more about the inner-workings and secrets of the mysterious estate and the magical ties which reward obedience.

    As he explores his relationship with each gay man and how it correlates with his past as a hustler, a discovery within the mansion may help him understand more about his keeper and the seemingly magical house he now calls home. What he finds among the secret doors and hidden rooms will reveal a history that will impact every otter’s future.

    With just as many jockstraps, furry otter boys, Daddy and boy dynamics, CBT, bondage equipment, fetish gear, power exchange, and mystical forbidden fantasies; this second book promises to be equally sinister and kinky as the first, but with even more dark deception.

    It’s Edgar Allan Poe but with a queer, kinky, and paranormal twist!

    This MM BDSM Paranormal Dark Erotic Romance takes consent seriously. No otter boys were harmed (unless they wanted to be) in the writing of this book.*

    ©2020 Leo Sparx (P)2022 Leo Sparx

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