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  • The Case of Armando

  • Murders in the Dude Morgue, Book 1
  • De : Leo Sparx
  • Lu par : Ken B Erotic
  • Durée : 3 h et 28 min

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The Case of Armando

De : Leo Sparx
Lu par : Ken B Erotic
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    For listeners who enjoy a dark and mysterious plot with their sexy books, Leo Sparx presents the first installment of this kinky m/m (m/m/m) series inspired by the Edgar Allan Poe stories, “The Murders in the Rue Morgue” and “The Cask of Amontillado.”

    At the start of this queer erotic romance, a body is found chained to a wall in a world-famous gay resort. A heartbroken ex-theatre kid turned forensic scientist and an eccentric private detective form an unlikely team to investigate. Through hidden sex mazes, strange drag shows, and forbidden water features, the duo abandons the safety of the morgue, concealing their identities and losing their clothes on the way.

    Pulled to the darkness beyond the main area of The Masquerade by his strong sexual appetite, the scientist runs into his ex-boyfriend—and things get really complicated. Meanwhile, he suspects his new strange but sexy investigator friend is hiding more than just his intentions. Rumors abound about a case of small bottles containing the best party favor ever made as a second body is discovered.

    The duo ventures deeper to find out who or what is killing the men at The Masquerade. BDSM scenes gone wrong? Accidental overdose? Or is there a serial killer on the loose in the resort? Whatever is killing guests at the massive club, these men seeking the truth begin to suspect they’re next.

    It’s Edgar Allan Poe with a queer kinky twist!

    ©2021 Leo Sparx (P)2022 Leo Sparx

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