
  • SE 91: God Said What?
    Sep 17 2024

    This Week’s Listener Question:

    I hear my friends talking about how the Holy Spirit or God is speaking to them so clearly. God doesn’t speak to me clearly. Why don’t I hear from God? And how can I?

    SOUL Group Questions:

    To build connection with a friend or in your Soul Group, ask each other these questions.

    1. When you were growing up how were you taught to hear from God?

    2. How are you listening and/or hearing differently now?

    3. How would you describe how God speaks to you or others?

    4. What’s one way this week you can be still, lean in, and listen to God’s intimate voice?


    The quote Laura shared, “You are best qualified to help the person you used to be.” Ed Mylett

    To sign up for one-on-one grief support with Laura, visit griefandhope.org

    Have a question for us? Send it to questions@soulenchilada.com

    Learn more about Laura’s ministry The 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call – HERE

    Learn more about Christine Ruth, counseling practice, and future retreats – HERE

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    34 min
  • SE 90: When the Door Slams Shut
    Sep 3 2024

    This Week’s Listener Question:

    I’ve been working at the same company for twenty-one years. I’ve been super loyal and helped them become successful. I just found out we’re being bought and my job is being phased out. I’m so mad at them and God! How do I move past this anger and the injustice of it?

    SOUL Group Questions:

    To build connection with a friend or in your Soul Group, ask each other these questions.

    1. What doors have closed recently for you?

    2. When God allows a door to close or a major change to happen in your life, what emotions arise in you?

    3. How would you describe your grief journey after a door was slammed shut in your life?

    4. How did your identity get pruned or change in the process?

    5. What new identities or self-awareness immerged after this major life change?


    No Bad Parts by Richard C. Schwartz Book

    Have a question for us? Send it to questions@soulenchilada.com

    Learn more about Laura’s ministry The 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call – HERE

    Learn more about Christine Ruth, counseling practice, and future retreats – HERE

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    29 min
  • SE 89: Showing Up In the Sh!t$how.
    Aug 20 2024

    This Week’s Listener Question:

    Christine and Laura continue discussing attachment styles. To Laura’s surprise Christine showed up at the recording a “hot mess” having a complete meltdown. Step into their conversation and learn how you can move from chaos to calm and panic to peace.

    SOUL Group Questions:

    To build connection with a friend or in your Soul Group, ask each other these questions.

    1. When life overwhelms you, what’s usually your first response?

    2. How comfortable are you when situations in life spin out of control? Do you get swept up in big emotions or do you try to avoid them at all cost?

    3. Lean and listen to the voices in your head. Are you hearing judgement, criticism, compassion, or self-nurture?

    4. How are the voices in our heads critical to our wellbeing? Think of a time when your thoughts greatly impacted your feelings and actions.

    5. Like Laura did for Christine, in what ways could you step closer to a friend or family member who’s struggling with a big life change?

    6. How does moving closer to others in chaos build intimacy and vulnerability? When have you seen this happen in your life?


    Attachment Style Assessment – Take the Quiz

    Wired for Love by Stan Tatkan – Book

    Attachment Styles in Adult Relationships - Complete Guide

    Have a question for us? Send it to questions@soulenchilada.com

    Learn more about Laura Busse and invite her to speak where you are – HERE

    Learn more about Laura’s ministry The 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call – HERE

    Learn more about Christine Ruth, counseling practice, and future retreats – HERE

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    30 min
  • SE 88: Who Are You Avoiding?
    Aug 6 2024

    I'm someone who likes being alone. I'm content reading and working on a project. My partner, on the other hand, says I'm distant, aloof, and often distracted. We don't agree on physical touch and how often we should have sex. He wants sex a lot more than I do. How can we get closer? What's wrong with him/ us?

    Join Dr. Michaelle Knight and me for our final Summer Webinar: PRESS ON WITH PERSEVERENCE AND DESIGN A PLAN. This Thursday, August 8th. Sign up here: 3oclockwakeup.com/event-details-registration/press-on-with-perseverance-and-design-a-plan

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    30 min
  • SE 87: When You're Smothered By Another
    Jul 23 2024

    This Week's Listener Question:

    My partner always wants me to go everywhere he goes. He won’t go to parties, games,

    church, or vacations without me. It feels like he’s smothering me and I need some

    space. What should I do without hurting his feelings?


    Summer Webinar Series – You are invited to join Laura Busse and Dr. Michaelle Knight

    August 8 – Press On with Perseverance and Make a Plan

    Sign up here: https://www.3oclockwakeup.com/event-details-registration/press-on-with-perseverance-and-design-a-plan

    Hope to see you there!

    SOUL Group Questions:

    To build connection with a friend or in your Soul Group, ask each other these questions.

    1. Reflecting on your family of origin and caregivers when you were a child, how

    would you describe how your needs were met? What messages did you receive

    about how to express your emotions?

    2. Did you grow up seeing any of these patterns of anxious attachment – clinging,

    controlling, people pleasing, helplessness, placating, or jealousy? Do you see

    them in your relationships today?

    3. Why do you think anxious attachment styles are common in relationships?

    4. In what ways can we be connected to others yet still differentiated?

    5. Celebrate one of your relationships that feels connected and you still have your

    own autonomy. Or choose one you’d like to move in that direction. Make a plan

    to communicate or celebrate with them.


    Attachment Style Assessment – Take the Quiz

    Wired for Love by Stan Tatkan – Book

    Attachment Styles in Adult Relationships - Complete Guide

    Have a question for us? Send it to questions@soulenchilada.com

    Learn more about Laura Busse and invite her to speak where you are – HERE

    Learn more about Laura’s ministry The 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call – HERE

    Learn more about Christine Ruth, counseling practice, and future retreats – HERE

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    29 min
  • SE 86: Can I Have Solid Relationships After a Shaky Childhood?
    Jul 9 2024

    This Week’s Listener Question:

    I’ve been learning about attachment styles and how we develop unhealthy attachment styles if we didn’t have secure attachment with our parents when we were growing up. I didn’t have one with my parents, so I’m wondering how to form a secure attachment with God and others. Is it possible?


    Summer Webinar Series – You are invited to join Laura Busse and Dr. Michaelle Knight

    July 18 – Embrace Disappointment and Dream Again

    August 8 – Press On with Perseverance and Make a Plan

    Sign up https://www.3oclockwakeup.com/event-details-registration/embrace-disappointment-and-dream-again

    – Hope to see you there!

    SOUL Group Questions:

    To build connection with a friend or in your Soul Group, ask each other these questions.

    • Reviewing the four attachment styles: secure, anxious, avoidant, or disorganized, which one did you experience in your family of origin?

    • We invite you to take the attachment assessment below. What did you learn about yourself?

    • What attachment style do you lean towards? Any thoughts of why this might be?

    • Think of all the ways attachment styles play out in the world around you. How do they impact your relationship with God (however you define God), yourself, and others? What’s one way you could step closer and grow in one of these relationships?


    Attachment Style Assessment – Take the Quiz

    Wired for Love by Stan Tatkan – Book

    Have a question for us? Send it to questions@soulenchilada.com

    Learn more about Laura Busse and invite her to speak where you are – HERE

    Learn more about Laura’s ministry The 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call – HERE

    Learn more about Christine Ruth, counseling practice, and future retreats – HERE

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    34 min
  • SE 85: Attach Yourself
    Jun 26 2024

    This Week's Listener Question:

    My boyfriend and I have been together for two years. There's nothing wong with the relationship. On paper we look perfect, but I feel restless and bored. Should I practice gratitude and find contentment, or is this a sign I should leave the relationship?

    Announcement: Are you in a time of transition? Do you need coaching and teaching to take steps in a new direction? You are invited to join Laura's summer webinar with Dr Michaelle Knight.

    July 18 and August 8 - go to 3oclockwakeup.com\transitions-webinar-workshop

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    31 min
  • SE 84: Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes - TRANSITION and Face the Change
    Jun 4 2024

    This Week’s Listener Question:

    Wow! I just got terrible news which will greatly impact my upcoming plans. I feel like I’m swimming in the soup of confusion, disappointment, and crisis. How do I figure out where to start when I can’t even think straight?


    Are you in a season of TRANSITION? Do you want to find firm footing in times of change?

    Then sign up for Laura’s Summer Webinars with Dr. Michaelle Knight! HERE

    June 13, July 18, August 8 – every month we guide you through new doors that lead to growth & hope!

    SOUL Group Questions:

    To build connection with a friend or in your Soul Group, ask each other these questions.

    1. When your plans get unexpectedly interrupted and you find yourself in a time of transition, what emotions come up for you?

    2. In times of transition, what strategies have you tried that have NOT been helpful?

    3. Christine taught us how to un-blend our emotions or “parts”. What resonated with you? What strategies are you willing to try? What motivates you to un-blend your “parts” or emotions?

    4. What’s one thing you can do to find an anchor in your anxiety or silence and solitude to promote calm in your life?


    Are you in a season of TRANSITION? Do you want to find firm footing in times of change?

    Then sign up for Laura’s Summer Webinars with Dr. Michaelle Knight! HERE

    Have a question for us? Send it to questions@soulenchilada.com

    Learn more about Laura Busse and invite her to speak where you are – HERE

    Learn more about Laura’s ministry The 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call – HERE

    Learn more about Christine Ruth, counseling practice, and future retreats – HERE

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    38 min