
  • How to build a strong marketing team with Veronica Romney
    Sep 13 2021

    I started my business when I was 20, and for the first decade, I was convinced that I could do it all by myself. After having my first kid, and a total burnout, I realized that I needed help. I think that many entrepreneurs struggle with asking for help because your business is your baby, but as your business grows you get to a point where you can’t do it all by yourself and you need to build a team.

    In today's episode of IntegratED, Jamie speaks with Veronica Romney a Dream Team Architect. She has been in the online marketing world since 2008, most recently working behind-the-scenes as a speaker, trainer, Director, and Chief of Staff for brands such as Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Pete Vargas, and BossBabe.

    Veronica is a full-time research marketing professional and will share some super helpful tips with us today. 

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    30 min
  • My journey with Human Design
    Sep 9 2021

    Human Design is a cool framework that you can use to really get to know yourself better and it can be a really amazing tool that you can use in your business.

    My intention is to start sharing some of the strategies that I've been using with my clients, by pairing their human design with their business.

    In this episode of IntegratED, I will share my own experience with Human Design and how I plan on helping other entrepreneurs build a successful business by knowing more about themselves and trusting their decisions.

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    19 min
  • Streamline your family eating habits
    Aug 26 2021

    This podcast episode is different from my other episodes, but I think is really important to talk about our eating habits, because it is something that in my house, in the past, has really caused a lot of contention.

    I can't even count how many fights have happened at 5 pm. A typical discussion would be something like:

    “What do you want to eat?”

    “I don't know. What do you want to eat?”

    “I don't know. What do you want to eat??”

    Before you know it, it is already 6 pm, we're fighting and end up getting takeout. Sound familiar?

    So, with today's episode, I want to share how we have streamlined our eating habits and how that has saved us from many hangry discussions, saved us money, and saved us from wasting food!

    I hope you enjoy this episode!

    Here are some affiliate links mentioned in the episode:

    Thrive Market

    Butcher Box

    Misfit Market

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    17 min
  • My 10 Favorite Tools I use in my business
    Aug 19 2021

    Very often I get asked what my favorite tech tools are that I'm using to run and support my business. So, I thought I would take the time and share them with you in today's episode. I believe in these companies that I am sharing with you today so much, that I have included affiliate links for each one of them below.

    Make sure to listen to this new episode of IntegratED to find out why I love all these different business tools and see if they could be a fit for you and your business as well!

    Here is a preview of my favorite online business tools:

    FG Funnels: https://www.fgfunnels.com/backdoor?fpr=jamie-palmer70

    Clickfunnels: https://www.clickfunnels.com/?cf_affiliate_id=699124&affiliate_id=699124 

    MeisterTask: https://www.meistertask.com/?r=841287

    Hello Audio: https://helloaudio.fm?fpr=jamie88

    HauteStock: https://hautestock.co/ 

    Planoly: https://www.planoly.com/referral/jamielpalmer 

    Voxer: https://www.voxer.com/ 

    Canva: https://www.canva.com/ 

    Tailwind: https://www.planoly.com/referral/jamielpalmer 

    Lucidchart: https://www.lucidchart.com/pages/ 

    OneNote: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/onenote/digital-note-taking-app 


    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    20 min
  • Finding your voice
    Aug 12 2021

    How do you find the confidence to own your voice and be willing to do that uncomfortable work, to shed the layers, and to start to question - "is this even my own voice or is this somebody else's voice?"

    In today's episode, I am sharing an unexpected encounter I've had three years ago with a woman. Her advice “You'll find your voice too, you have it in you. It just takes some time to find it” has stuck with me ever since.

    It is so easy to get lost in social media and what we “should be doing, what's working, and how we should show up in the world” and ultimately it can lead to a lot of disappointment in yourself.

    Let's have a look at how you can find your voice and start using your voice!

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    14 min
  • Social Media Consistency - Instant Gratification
    Aug 5 2021

    We as a society are sort of obsessed with instant gratification. If we put something out there on social media, we want to get likes and comments right away. In our minds, the likes and comments are also an indication of “how successful” the content is.

    I really struggle with that point of view. As someone who's been in the social media world for a really long time, I would think that that's the wrong lens to look through social media with. Many entrepreneurs think that they didn’t get a new comment or as many likes as the previous post, then it's not a successful post.

    That shouldn’t be the measure of success for social media!

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    20 min
  • You have a block
    Jul 29 2021

    Too often we entrepreneurs you the "I have a block" excuse in our business in order to avoid getting uncomfortable and facing the work that needs to be done to reach the next level in business.

    As entrepreneurs, it is our job to grow our businesses and take on new clients. The block or hurdles are part of it. Naturally, we always want to fix something that's wrong and we would rather believe that there's something wrong with us, than just get uncomfortable and do the really hard work.

    In this new episode of IntegratED, I share with you my thought about the very common excuse "I have a block" and offer some solutions on what the reasons behind it are and what we can do about it.

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    15 min
  • Online Marketing with Liz Theresa
    Jul 26 2021

    With traditional marketing, there was a clear line between marketing and the sales process. You couldn’t look at a billboard and buy something, but today, when you look online, it is all mixed together. For entrepreneurs, this can get quite overwhelming pretty quickly.

    In this podcast episode of IntegratED, Jamie L Palmer talks to Liz Theresa, a business mentor, copywriter, and web designer. Liz has helped entrepreneurs find clarity and uniquely market themselves with confidence for the past 10 years.

    They discuss Instagram Reels, the importance of showing up authentically for your business, how to be the star of your business.

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    30 min