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Couverture de Wyoming Bones

Wyoming Bones

De : Elden Walseck
Lu par : Keith Mitchell
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    Wyoming and his friends find themselves stranded far from home, with no idea of how to get back. Facing their fears and hopping into the blistering hot Nether, they must overcome the the challenges of fiery slimes, ferocious hoglins, and an incredibly strong Wither Skeleton. Even with the help of an unexpected friend from the past, will Wyoming be able to fight through the obstacles ahead and return home?

    Follow Wyoming and his friends as they face challenges, craft solutions, and fight their way through the dangers of the Nether!

    Written for middle-grade students, this story captures the imagination of children and parents alike! A perfect balance of silly Minecraft exploration and daring adventure and stunts, this series is bound to become your new shared obsession.

    ©2022 Elden Walseck (P)2022 Elden Walseck

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