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Couverture de Wyoming Bones: And the Potion of Ever Life

Wyoming Bones: And the Potion of Ever Life

De : Elden Walseck
Lu par : Keith Mitchell
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    The world of Minecraft is full of ancient tombs needing exploration, and Wyoming Bones is just the human-turned-skeleton adventurer for the job! But will he be able to win a race against the evil Dr. Ville and his villagers to the ancient Tower of the Witch and find the Potion of Ever Life?

    Follow Wyoming and his friends as they face challenges, craft solutions, and fight their way through mobs to retrieve the artifact and save the city of Cubero!

    Written for an elementary level, this story captures the imagination of children and parents alike! A perfect balance of silly Minecraft exploration and daring adventure and stunts, this series is bound to become your new shared obsession. 

    Disclaimer: This book is a work of fanfiction; it is not an official Minecraft book. It is not endorsed, authorized, licensed, sponsored, or supported by Mojang AB, Microsoft Corp., or any other entity owning or controlling rights to the Minecraft name, trademarks, or copyrights.

    Minecraft ®/TM & © 2009-2020 Mojang/Microsoft.

    ©2021 Elden Walseck (P)2022 Elden Walseck

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