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  • KJV Bible Trivia for All Kids

  • 300 Old and New Testament Questions and Answers to Improve Bible Study
  • De : Dorte Walliams
  • Lu par : Keith Mitchell
  • Durée : 1 h et 41 min

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KJV Bible Trivia for All Kids

De : Dorte Walliams
Lu par : Keith Mitchell
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    Do you struggle with memorizing the Bible and wish for an easy way to do it? Keep reading to learn more….

    You often hear that you need to read or study the bible, but every time you do, you can barely remember which Scripture you just read or what it said.

    And you wonder how to memorize any Scripture, especially in the King James Version Bible.

    You go to church, and your pastor reminds you how important it is to study and know your bible. And you try, but it's so tricky, especially since you must get up and rush off to school or work in the morning.

    What better way to understand than to listen to KJV Bible Trivia for All Kids wherever you are, whenever you want, and satiate that desire to memorize Scripture and improve your Bible study?

    In the KJV Bible Trivia for All Kids, you will discover,

    • That memorizing Scripture is not too hard after all
    • That Bible study can be so much fun
    • That there is so much you did not know in the Bible
    • That anybody can listen and learn from this trivia audiobook
    • That there is plenty to learn, and you have found most of it

    And much more....

    So if you want to memorize the Bible and have fun doing it, you should totally grab and listen to this audiobook today!

    ©2022 Dorte Walliams (P)2022 Dorte Walliams
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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