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Couverture de World War I

World War I

De : Enthralling History
Lu par : Jason Zenobia
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    World War I is infamous for revolutionizing modern warfare as we know it.

    It is well known that World War I was kicked off by the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The world superpowers engaged in the bloodiest conflict in history at that time, with millions of casualties on either side. World War I transformed the socio-political landscape of the early 20th century and shaped the lives of countless people for decades to come.

    However, there is much more to World War I than Franz Ferdinand’s assassination and the clash of the Entente and Central Powers. It was a conflict deeply rooted in hateful rivalries of the world’s most powerful states, and came as a somewhat logical conclusion to the endless balancing and political maneuvering of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. And it would change the course of history forever.

    This audiobook will dive into the Great War, exploring what caused it, how it unfolded, and its short and long-term consequences. Here are some of the things you will learn about in this audiobook:

    • The long 19th century and how it affected the political landscape.
    • Germany and Italy’s unification.
    • The state of European power politics.
    • New technological advancements that shaped the war.
    • The Austro-Hungarian problem.
    • The start of WWI.
    • Military activities in all theaters of the war.
    ©2022 Enthralling History (P)2022 Enthralling History
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Histoire

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