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  • The Knights Templar

  • An Enthralling History of the Rise and Fall of the Most Influential Catholic Military Order (Church History)
  • De : Billy Wellman
  • Lu par : Jason Zenobia
  • Durée : 5 h et 22 min

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The Knights Templar

De : Billy Wellman
Lu par : Jason Zenobia
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    Did you know the Templar Order was so strict that its members could only have meat three times a week?

    The Knights Templar has established itself as the most popular military organization of medieval times. Everyone has heard of the order, and everyone is familiar with the image of a medieval Crusader knight with a red cross on their white uniform. But who exactly were the Templars? What was their purpose? And are the rumors about their secretive nature true?

    This audiobook will take a look at the 200-year history of the Knights Templar. We will cover how the order was established and why it transformed from a Christian military organization into something much more.

    In this audiobook, you will learn about the following:

    • The events from the 11th to the early 14th centuries and how they shaped the order
    • Different actors, from kings to ordinary knights, who defined the Knights Templar
    • The Templars’ involvement in the military endeavors of the known world
    • What caused the rise and downfall of the Order of the Knights Templar
    • The truth behind Templar allegations and its secretive nature
    • The twisted Templar legacy and how it changed the way we viewed the world forever

    Buckle up to find out more about one of the most influential organizations of its time. It is time to dive into the history of the infamous Knights Templar.

    So scroll up and click the “add to cart” button to learn more about the Knights Templar!

    ©2022 Enthralling History (P)2022 Enthralling History
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Histoire

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