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  • The Maya Civilization

  • An Enthralling Overview of Maya History, Starting from the Olmecs’ Domination of Ancient Mexico to the Arrival of Hernan Cortes and the Spanish Conquest
  • De : Enthralling History
  • Lu par : Jay Herbert
  • Durée : 3 h et 54 min

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Couverture de The Maya Civilization

The Maya Civilization

De : Enthralling History
Lu par : Jay Herbert
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    Are the Mayans still around?

    What is the importance of Chichen Itza’s discovery?

    How did this mighty civilization fall?

    If you want answers to these intriguing questions, then pay attention....

    The Mayans created an amazing society, full of surprises that keep us guessing how these people came to be and why - exactly - their civilization fell. Theories abound, archeologic discoveries both perplex and inspire us, but one thing remains: Their story reads much more like our recent past than you’d ever imagined!

    This book takes listeners on a journey that few have taken, deep into the Mayans' lineage, customs, politics, and daily life. Join us as we delve deep into the Maya story, uncovering stories, facts, and theories about this important - yet perplexing - society:

    • The bitter irony of Catholicism’s spread in Maya culture.
    • Who was the “mother civilization” of Mesoamerica?
    • Did they really practice human sacrifice?
    • A different kind of calendar...
    • What inspired the rise of city-states in this ancient culture?
    • Did the Maya develop the wheel?
    • How and what did they use to make paint?
    • Were the Maya peaceful?
    • Inventions galore - but what did they invent that we still use today?
    • Why - and how - did the Spanish decide to conquer the Maya?
    • Did a megadrought kill off the Mayans?
    • Heavens, Earth, and Underground: not just for Hobbits.
    • How did the large cities influence Mayan society - and who ruled them?

    Listen to this audiobook, and dive into the many astonishing elements of this ancient civilization!

    ©2021 Enthralling History (P)2021 Enthralling History
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Histoire

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