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Couverture de U.F.O Library—Contactee: The Sixto Paz Wells Story

U.F.O Library—Contactee: The Sixto Paz Wells Story

De : Joseph J. Randazzo
Lu par : Joseph J. Randazzo
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    Sixto Paz Wells is intent on awakening the consciousness of the world. In his travels around the globe, he strives to teach that people can change and transform the world with Universal Laws brought to our earth by extraterrestrials. A Peruvian from Lima, his father was a believer in theory of ETs and the possibility of contacting these alien forces. Educated as a history major at the Catholic University of Lima, the young Wells began his business career in a bank. But Sixto had been receiving message and information from aliens sources for several years and these led to contact in the desert south of Lima. The date was February 10, 1974, when a saucer, bright with lights, descended in sight of twenty witnesses. In the years since, Wells has had between 250 to 300 sightings and eight (8) physical contacts. Some of Wells' visits were witnessed by reputable journalists.

    Most of the contacts have been with Oxalc, an Orion. It is claimed that this group once left bad seed on earth that caused many of our problems. They now want to correct that evil by teaching the principles of creative law though Wells. Beginning in 1987, he entered one of their spaceships. Two more visits were to follow, all after 13 years of preparation. Wells transports him back to Morlem in their system, one similar to Orion, Pleiades or Alpha Centauri. He learned their lifestyle was amazed and found out that this long visit consumed only 15 minutes of earth time.

    Wells was so involved in his work that he left the bank to travel and lecture. He believes his power for physical contact has improved. He has had his strongest contact since 1986 and he knows there will be a marked increase in all contacts in the future. Sixto Paz Wells has recorded his story in detail and candidly answered all questions put to him about his amazing experience and what he believes the future holds.

    Directed, Produced by Joseph J. Randazzo.

    ©2022 Joseph J. Randazzo (P)2022 Joseph J. Randazzo

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