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Couverture de U.F.O Library—Contactee: The Hal Wilcox Story

U.F.O Library—Contactee: The Hal Wilcox Story

De : Joseph J. Randazzo
Lu par : Joseph J. Randazzo
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    For more than 35 years Hal Wilcox has developed his life to study and understanding of his physical contacts with life forms, technology, information and philosophy form social orders outside our known world. For many of these years he has also devoted much of his time to informing others about his experiences, teachings and striving to complete the seven Test Projects he was given by those with whom he has been in physical contact.

    Although his first assignment did not begin until 1962. Hal had been receiving preparatory instruction for ten years. His subsequent physical contacts with extraterrestrials from the Bernard System included a three-and-one-half day trip to the system where Hal collected important information for use in the years to come.

    Raised in a family active in the metaphysical, Hal was good student and qualified for a scholarship to West Point upon postgraduate work while spending 14 years as a public-school teacher. Finally, the demands of his work on the Seven Projects and the time and money needed to teach the principles learned from the Barnard System forced Hal Wilcox to leave his public-school post. He entered the motion picture industry, increasing both his income and time needed for what he considered his life’s work–the pursuit of more information from his contacts and teachings that knowledge to others.

    Hal Wilcox has been challenged to support his experiences and substantiate his claims on live television and during another attempt to discredit him sponsored by the Enquirer. Subjected to much criticism and abuse, his physical evidence was examined by the Rand Corporation, the Engineering departments of UCLA and other experts hired by television and the Enquirer. Therefore the many years of his teaching and in spite of all efforts to discredit him, he passed every test.

    ©2022 Joseph J. Randazzo (P)2022 Joseph J. Randazzo

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