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Couverture de U.F.O Library—Contactee: The Richard Rylka Story

U.F.O Library—Contactee: The Richard Rylka Story

De : Joseph J. Randazzo
Lu par : Joseph J. Randazzo
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    Richard Rylka claims to have more than 300 sightings and contacts with UFOs and extraterrestrials over the last 50 years, beginning from age seven, when he and his father saw a UFO near Forest Hills, New Jersey. Richard believes his contacts have been a beneficial and a controlling factor in his life. During his repeat contacts as a child, he was healed of polio. In 1989, after suffering with a large tumorous growth on his forehead for more than three years, he had a meeting with his ET contact and the tumor was removed without a trace. Dozens of his friends and associates were astounded by this apparent miracle.

    Rylka believes his contacts, whom he knows as Koran and Nepos, are constantly in touch with him. He sights as proof a near disaster when he was piloting a light plane caught in a violent storm. He asked for help and a small spherical craft appeared before his plane and guided him to safety.

    With a lifetime of experiences, Richard Rylka explains how he has been beamed aboard a spacecraft, treated with “acutinic” light and returned to earth healed.

    Richard believes his friends are using him as a sociological experiment. “They learn through me,” he says," and although I do not think I have anything to fear, there are good and bad among them."

    Richard wants official sources to come forward with the truth. “It is now time,” he continues, “for governments all around the world to get together and tell the facts. People should be skeptical, but we must walk towards things, not away from them.” Listen for yourself as this event was film on location and interviewed by Writer, Director, Joseph J. Randazzo.

    ©2022 Joseph J. Randazzo (P)2022 Joseph J. Randazzo

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