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Couverture de U.F.O Library—Contactee: The Eduard “Billy” Meier Story

U.F.O Library—Contactee: The Eduard “Billy” Meier Story

De : Joseph J. Randazzo
Lu par : Joseph J. Randazzo
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    At the young age of five, Hilly Meier had a contact presaging late experiences that would influence and control his life forever. He was destined to become the principle player in of the most extensive series of documented unearthly contacts on record.

    His first mentor, Sfath, was assigned to begin his education and in preparation for later contacts. Confused but not frightened, he turned to his village priest. Surprisingly, the man was understanding and believed the boy, cautioning him that it was a most important event for his future. He was in his twenties before he had another contact. Then several more years passed before his long association with the Pleiadian culture continued in earnest. In the intervening years, Eduard Meier was contacted by Asket, a female Timmer assigned to continue his training, who transported him to the past and future time and around the world. At other times, he worked in a gravel pit, as a bird breeder, an iron layer and night watchman. He traveled to India, working along the way. Returning from India during 1965, his left arm was severed just above the elbow in a Turkish bus accident. The outlook for the future was not bright for a man with limited skills and a severe physical handicap. But this meant nothing to his Greek girlfriend, Kaliope. Denied permission to wed by her family, the two ran off to marry and moved to Switzerland.

    By 1973, when they moved into a farmhouse on the edge of Hinwil, southeast of Zurich, the family included three small children. More than a decade later, he would be in contact with the Pleiadians. His new teacher, Semjase, had carefully studied Meire from afar for about ten years. Now she came forward with more information and provided hard evidence with which he could prove his case. He amassed hundreds of remarkable clear photographs of the spacecraft, including 8mm footage motion picture film of a craft in flight. In spite of the ridicule and attempts on his life, Meier never faltered; he could not.

    ©2022 Joseph J. Randazzo (P)2022 Joseph J. Randazzo

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