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Couverture de U.F.O Library—Contactee: The Dr. Fred Bell Story

U.F.O Library—Contactee: The Dr. Fred Bell Story

De : Joseph J. Randazzo
Lu par : Joseph J. Randazzo
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    Much of Fred Bell’s life has been spent in matters directly relating to space. He now believes that his course was set from an early age by the influence of alien begins. While still in high school, he also studied at the University of Michigan. He studied nuclear physics at Randolph Laboratories, was trained in electronics and physics at the United States Armed Forces Institute and finally received a degree in homeopathic medicine from Bernardine University.

    Fred is not certain when his first contact happened but was aware of some presence in his life for many years. His career at Rockwell placed him at the heart of NASA projects. He worked with the renowned Werner Von Braum and finally became the senior spacecraft checkout engineer.

    During this time, Bell’s contacts were becoming more pronounced and increased in frequency. By the mid 1970’s, he managed physical contact with Semjase, a Pleiadeans women. It is almost certain she is the same ET Human who was contacting Billy Meier in Switzerland. Much of the information passed to Bell parallels that known to Meier.

    However, Fred Bell was also in contact with other Pleiadians, namely Semjase sister Playa and other family members. He also claims contact with the Andromedans, a group he believes are easier to communicate with and who are more practical.

    He received scientific data he could apply to experiments for further life on earth. Of particular importance is the progress he has made in developing the use and power of the pyramid on the mind and body. In addition, he learned how to build a time-traveling machine, a working unit with which he could actually transport things.

    ©2022 Joseph J. Randazzo (P)2022 Joseph J. Randazzo

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