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  • Travel Light

  • Spiritual Minimalism to Live a More Fulfilled Life
  • De : Light Watkins
  • Lu par : Light Watkins
  • Durée : 3 h et 42 min

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Travel Light

De : Light Watkins
Lu par : Light Watkins
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    Discover Spiritual Minimalism: the “inside-out” path to getting rid of inner clutter and living a more fulfilled life.

    Everywhere you look, people in all walks of life are “going minimalist” and getting rid of their possessions. Yet as exciting as it can be to throw out half of your belongings, does it really bring happiness? As Light Watkins says: “If you’re unhappy now, becoming a minimalist isn’t likely to change that… unless you do the inner work to cultivate happiness on the inside.”

    Light is famous for taking minimalism to the extreme—and now lives his whole life out of a single backpack. In Travel Light, he shares his surprising revelation that being a “spiritual minimalist” means you don’t focus on material objects. What matters more than clearing out your closets is how much trust you have in your inner guidance. “Spiritual Minimalism is not about how much physical stuff you have,” he says. “It’s about how you communicate, incorporate service into your life, exercise, cook, clean, and express your love.”

    Light shares his unique inside-out approach to minimalism using stories, anecdotes, and vignettes, along with real-world experiments and exercises that you can adapt to your own life.

    Here you’ll learn how to:

    Prioritize and cultivate inner happiness

    • Make the most important decisions from your heart

    • Get comfortable in the discomfort

    • Live as though there are no throwaway moments

    • Tap in to your curiosity as a gateway to your true path

    • The “freedom of choicelessness”—decluttering your life decisions

    You’ll be invited to discover the joy of giving what you want to receive; following your curiosity; and living with a “clutter-free” approach to your choices, values, and life purpose. Implementing the principles of Spiritual Minimalism will get you aligned with your values and lead you to a life-changing adventure!

    ©2023 Light Watkins (P)2023 Sounds True


    "Watkins’s tone is appealingly conversational, and his lucid prose and easy-to-follow meditation exercises help bring the sometimes abstract contours of spiritual minimalism down to earth."—Publishers Weekly

    Travel Light ultimately serves as a breath-of-fresh-air guide for how to be present in the modern day. Light’s words and stories feel like a good friend that helps bring you back to your most important relationship when things get a little messy—the relationship with your Self.”—Adriene Mishler, founder of Yoga with Adriene and Find What Feels Good

    “It’s so easy to get hung up on mental clutter. In Travel Light, my friend Light Watkins not only shows you how to declutter your mind but also provides you with step-by-step instructions for connecting with your inner guidance to live a more fulfilled life.”—Mark Hyman, MD, bestselling author of Young Forever

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