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  • Mansa Musa

  • A Captivating Guide to the Emperor of the Islamic Mali Empire in West Africa and How He Developed Timbuktu into a Major Center for Trade
  • De : Captivating History
  • Lu par : Jason Zenobia
  • Durée : 3 h

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Couverture de Mansa Musa

Mansa Musa

De : Captivating History
Lu par : Jason Zenobia
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    Who was Mansa Musa? And why was he important?

    In the grand scheme of things, very little is known of Mansa Musa’s life. We know that he was one of the greatest emperors of the Mali Empire. And we know that he was actually one of the richest men of all time due to the enormous gold deposits in West Africa that were under his dominion, but large parts of Mansa Musa’s life remain a mystery.

    We know, for example, that he later expanded the reach of the Mali Empire considerably, eventually incorporating the legendary Timbuktu into his realm. Such things certainly make for fascinating tales, but the truth is much of Mansa Musa’s early life is virtually unknown. This is largely due to the fact that Mansa Musa did not have a biography of his exploits written about him during the time in which he lived.

    Here in this audiobook, we have really run the gamut when it comes to uncovering the life of Mansa Musa. Utilizing both the testimony of Arab chroniclers familiar with Mali and Mansa Musa, the oral stories of the griot, and archaeological evidence, we have put together an audiobook that captures the essence of who Mansa Musa was and what he tried to accomplish. His story is like some great mosaic that has fractured over the centuries, but we have pieced it all together to present to you the best portrait possible of Mansa Musa and the life he lived. 

    In this audiobook, you will learn about:

    • The backstory of the Mali Empire and its founders
    • The rise of Mansa Musa as the emperor
    • The transition of Mali from a pagan to a Muslim Kingdom
    • Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage to Mecca
    • The incorporation of Timbuktu into the Mali Empire
    • Mansa Musa’s successors
    • Mansa Musa’s legacy
    • And much more!

    Scroll up and click the “buy now” button to learn more about the history of Mansa Musa!

    ©2021 Captivating History (P)2021 Captivating History

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