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  • The Goal Digger

  • How to Rock Your Multilevel Home-Based Business on Social Media
  • De : Kimberly Olson
  • Lu par : Kimberly Olson
  • Durée : 1 h et 30 min

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The Goal Digger

De : Kimberly Olson
Lu par : Kimberly Olson
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    I remember when I decided I wanted to grow my business online, I felt completely overwhelmed, not to mention extremely disorganized. Should I build on Facebook or Instagram...or both? How could I utilize my Facebook group to turn it into a prospecting machine? What about teaching people that joined my team how to do this? And the dreaded "A-word" - algorithm? I had no clue!

    I decided to dive in head first and take every single training, workshop, or coaching program I could afford to learn everything possible. It was expensive and time consuming but through that process I was able to put together everything I learned in an easy-to-digest yet comprehensive program that you will find in this book.

    We’ll dive into several areas including:

    • Crushing your daily activity
    • Creating engaging content that matters
    • How to prospect with passion and not spam your friends
    • Successfully launching new team members by duplication
    • Turning one customer into hundreds
    • Stepping into prosperity and an abundant mindset

    So what are you waiting for? Let’s jump in so we can crush your goals and create the life of your dreams!

    "Expert is a term thrown around way too loosely on social media these days. Kimberly Olson is one of the few that I consider a true social media expert. She is a must follow. She pays attention to detail and knows how to teach you how to grow your influence in a non gimmicky way. She has personally built massive loyal followings and has unique insight not found anywhere else. Thanks for finally putting all your strategies in a book!" (Rob Sperry, public speaker and author of The Game of Networking)

    ©2018 Kimberly Olson (P)2019 Kimberly Olson

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