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  • Why Balance Is B.S.

  • The Real Mompreneur Roadmap to Getting Everything You Want in Life
  • De : Kimberly Olson
  • Lu par : Kimberly Olson
  • Durée : 1 h et 58 min

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Why Balance Is B.S.

De : Kimberly Olson
Lu par : Kimberly Olson
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    With the majority of mompreneurs failing to make their home-based businesses work, we need a new blueprint to model. We need to know how the successful mamas are making it happen, without sacrificing their marriage or their role as mom. I have been able to “have it all”, but not by maintaining the elusive balance that is about as real as moms sleeping in on weekends. When I hit multiple six figures in my own businesses and was able to start helping other mamas achieve similar success, I knew I had to share our secrets and our strategies. I also knew I needed to encourage and inspire you, the listener, who should not be struggling alone or let your dreams go just because you want to also be there for your family.

    In this road map, I will teach you how to prioritize, time block, conquer your mindset, and put a real plan together so you can crush your goals, light up your business, and set your soul on fire! Authentic and driven are two words that come to mind when I think of Kimberly Olson. When I first got connected to Kimberly via Facebook, I realized very quickly that if you taught her something, not only would she put it into action, but she would multiply the results by 10 times. I will never forget our first call together. She was sitting in her car on break from work, and we discussed her mission on building a business on social. It was clear what she wanted, and her heart was/is big and making an impact was all she could talk about. Watching her soar and make such an impact leveraging social media to other women has not only made me proud but honored to say that I have had the opportunity to work with her.

    This audiobook is just like that call. Clear on the path to take while building an empire online!

    ©2019 Kimberly Olson (P)2022 Kimberly Olson

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