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Couverture de The Fourth Book of Messages from God's Humble Servant

The Fourth Book of Messages from God's Humble Servant

De : David W. Crump
Lu par : Ray Jericho
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    This addition to the Messages series is a continuation of the original theme found in the first book. In the Fourth Book of Messages from God's Humble Servant, we are again challenged to examine ourselves.

    When faced with a fork in the road, the Fourth Book is meant to help us choose the path that God has planned for our lives.

    One example is the message "The Pathway Home."

    I have been on my way, walking home, for many years now. The only pathway that will lead me home is the one that is guided by my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. My home is not earthbound. My home is in the kingdom of heaven.

    The messages act as a mirror and allow us to take a good long look at how we are living. For instance, if we attend a party and see someone we know to be wealthy, we watch that person. We listen to see if we share the same thoughts concerning our finances.

    The message "Money or Belief" gives us reason to pause.

    With enough money, you can build the most luxurious mansion ever designed by man. But no amount of money can buy you a pup tent in the kingdom of heaven. The price of admission into heaven is belief in God.While the messages in the Fourth Book of Messages from God's Humble Servant are based on biblical scripture, it is not the Bible. They are simply intended to help believers and nonbelievers who have lost their way get back on the pathway that leads to the kingdom of heaven.

    ©2024 David W. Crump (P)2024 David W. Crump

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